The Fallout
I’m tired
I’m broken
I’m angry
I’m done.
I can’t listen to another word…
From arrogant mouths
From ignorant mouths
From entitled mouths
From mouths without empathy
From mouths without compassion
From mouths without baseline concern for your brothers and sisters
From the very same mouths that would ask me for a hug on Sunday Mornings
The lack of love…
The lack of care…
The lack of respect…
The lack of regard for your brother and sister’s feelings
The lack of worth given to fellow human lives…
If you have no relationship with a person of color please do yourself and everyone else a favor and restrain yourself from speaking on issues of race and injustice.
Your arrogance hurts
Your ignorance hurts
Your entitlement hurts
Your missing empathy hurts
Your missing compassion hurts
It hurts me
It hurts progress towards equality
It hurts our children
It hurts the Church
It hurts Jesus
Please stop
Please listen
Please search your heart
Please become aware of your biases
Please investigate
Please learn
Please educate yourselves on our common history
Please look at the big picture and the patterns and systems
Please be willing to be uncomfortable
Please ask “why?” when you don’t understand
Please ask yourself “why?” when you find yourself becoming defensive or uncomfortable
I’m disappointed
I’m discouraged
I’m frustrated
I’m hurt
I’m HURT...
i’m tired